Do you have a missing tooth, and you wonder whether to get a bridge or a dental implant? Having an empty gap may result in infection, but you can always get a tooth replacement after extraction. Replacing a missing tooth enhances your smile and your overall health. So, what is the difference between a dental
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Missing teeth can be caused by a variety of reasons including injuries, tooth decay, gum disease, and even genetics. With the technology available in 2021, you’ll be pleased to find many options to replace missing teeth or change the appearance of your smile. We’ll explore various options along with the pros and cons of each
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Your dentist may determine the need for a root canal when you’re experiencing frequent pain, sensitivity, or tingling sensations. After an x-ray examination, the root of your tooth may reveal severe deterioration. Root canals are performed to treat the damaged root and leave the tooth structure intact. It is a cosmetically-appealing solution, but it often
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Throbbing tooth pain can be caused by many factors. You certainly want to find a solution as soon as possible and get some relief. This article will explore some possible causes of tooth pain and what you can do about it. Defining Tooth Pain A toothache is an indication that you have tooth damage or
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