The loss of a dental crown can leave you feeling worried. Your first thought is likely to be, “My dental crown fell off. What shall I do?” Likewise, you probably have a number of questions about whether the loss of a crown is an emergency, if you should keep brushing and whether can you eat. At West Hollywood Holistic Cosmetic Dental Care, here is how we address concerns about a dental crown falling off.
Is a Crown Falling Off a Dental Emergency?
Most people shouldn’t seek emergency dental care when a crown falls out. You will want to call your dentist to schedule an appointment within the next few days, though. However, some problems may require immediate medical help. Call your dentist’s emergency line or visit an urgent care center if the pain won’t go away or there’s swelling in your face or mouth. The same applies if pus is coming from the affected area. If you develop a fever, seek emergency care immediately because that could be a sign of an infection due to the lost crown.
What Should You Do?
First, find the crown if you can and put it in a safe place because your dentist might be able to reuse it. Given the cost of dental crown, that could save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Second, get a cup of warm water and rinse your mouth thoroughly to remove any bits of dental cement or food that might be stuck around the exposed tooth. Third, get a soft toothbrush. Clean the area gently, but don’t scrub hard or you might harm the exposed tooth.
You may want to make a few notes about what happened right before the crown fell out. For example, were you eating or talking? This may give the dentist some sense of what caused the crown to fall off. Also, you will want to avoid chewing any food on the affected side of your mouth, if at all possible. Rinse after eating, especially if you feel any debris in the affected area.
Should I Brush My Teeth if My Crown Fell Out?
Yes, but try to be as gentle as possible during each brushing. Also, limit your brushings to twice a day.
Can I Put My Crown Back on Myself?
Trying to permanently fix the crown yourself creates serious risks. When people try to put crowns back on their own, they often trap harmful bacteria underneath. Trapped bacteria can lead to painful infections in your teeth and gums. Also, you might position the crown incorrectly, which can mess up your bite and cause jaw pain. The crown might also fall off again because non-professional solutions don’t form a strong enough bond between the tooth and the crown. Even worse, you could accidentally push the crown too far onto your tooth, triggering gum irritation and swelling.
How Long Can I Go without a Crown After It Falls Off?
It isn’t a good idea to go without a dental crown for too long because it can cause serious problems. Bacteria can build up around the tooth and gums, which might lead to an infection. The tooth could also become more sensitive to hot and cold foods. It may even hurt when you bite down. Over time, the tooth will weaken and be more likely to break.
Waiting too long might mean more complicated and expensive dental work later on. Take care of the issue within a matter of a couple of weeks, if possible.
Is It Common for Dental Crowns to Fall Off?
While uncommon, it isn’t abnormal. About five to ten percent of all dental crowns will fall off over the crown’s lifetime.
Shall Keep My Crown If It Fell Off?
If your dental crown fell off, you should collect it, if possible. Your dentist may be able to reuse it, but they will have to examine the condition of both the tooth and the crown before deciding whether that’s an option. Keep the crown until your appointment and see what your dentist says.
Can I Still Eat If My Crown Falls Out?
Yes, you can eat. However, you shouldn’t eat like normal. Hard or sticky foods too soon can dislodge temporary fixes like dental cement or a temporary filling. Also, eating without a crown could push bacteria into your gum tissue, potentially causing infections. Until your appointment, try to avoid:
- Hard candies
- Ice cubes
- Popcorn
- Nuts
- Tough meats
- Sticky sweets, such as caramel and marshmallows
What Not to Do If Crown Falls Off
First, do not try to put the crown back yourself. Attempting to reattach it could cause more damage, an infection or even permanent tooth loss. Avoid using any chemicals like hydrogen peroxide or bleach to clean the area, as these can harm the tooth and surrounding tissues. Do not chew on the side of your mouth where the crown was located. Refrain from using a pick to clean under the crown since this might introduce bacteria and debris.
Most importantly, do not delay getting dental care. Schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. If you live in the area, West Hollywood Holistic Cosmetic Dental Care is here to help.