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(323) 654-2840

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The Process of Teeth Straightening Los Angeles, CA

The Process of Teeth Straightening Los Angeles, CA

It has been said that a smile is happiness that’s found right under your nose. That is true for anyone who doesn’t feel self-conscious or uncomfortable as a result of crooked, gapped, or uneven teeth. You are lucky if your parents put you through braces while growing up. Most adults didn’t have to go through teeth straightening West Hollywood CA treatment as children.

Many adults wish for straighter teeth, but can’t stand the appearance of braces. Thankfully, you can regain the happiness right under your nose. Thanks to changes in the recent years regarding Los Angeles CA teeth straightening.

What is teeth straightening?

Teeth straightening is the improvement of the function and appearance of crowded or crooked teeth using fixed or adjustable braces. Also known as orthodontics, this line of dentistry is becoming appreciated for improving oral health and well-being.

What does it involve?

Orthodontic treatment Los Angeles CA includes the use of fixed or removable braces. A brace gently pushes your teeth until it gets to its right position. Braces must be worn all the time; between six and twenty-four months, depending on individual needs.

Every two or ten weeks, the dental practitioner specializing in teeth straightening check the braces to make any necessary adjustments. Though popular with people aged 11 to 12, increasingly adults are seeking orthodontic treatment West Hollywood CA.

Choosing teeth straightening

Orthodontic treatment has its share of risks and benefits. It improves teeth-appearance and self-esteem, but can damage the roots of your teeth. A qualified dentist has the skills to prevent this problem.  Factors like smoking and poor oral hygiene during teeth straightening Los Angeles CA can cause gum disease. Discuss the risks and benefits with your orthodontist before taking the treatment.

Alternative teeth straightening treatments

If orthodontic treatment using conventional braces isn’t a viable option, the orthodontist will consider the following options.

  1. Veneers or caps: Veneers are thin layers of porcelain or composite materials that are bonded to the front end of teeth. Veneers work fast and are effective on mild cases of malocclusion like gaps between the teeth.
  2. Dental contouring: This refers to the reshaping of natural teeth so they can appear straighter. It can also be used to straighten chipped or cracked teeth. Dental touring achieves fast results, but is only useful for mild problems.

Benefits of orthodontic treatment

The reasons for choosing orthodontic treatment are as varied as there are individuals. There are more reasons for teeth straightening than physical appearance improvement. These include:

  1. Confidence: People know how their teeth look and the role of a perfect smile in enhancing self-confidence. A smile contributes to the first impression yet people with less than perfect teeth may not smile as often.
  2. Hygiene: Cleaning teeth that are crowded or overlapping is quite difficult. Plaque damage caused by poor cleaning is a leading contributor to tooth decay, gum diseases and eventually loss of teeth. Teeth straightening Los Angeles CA makes cleaning teeth easier.
  3. Tooth wear: An inaccurate bite quickly leads to the uneven or excessive wearing of teeth.
  4. Gum damage: Crooked or misaligned teeth are a leading cause of gum damage. For instance, a deep bite causes the lower front teeth to bite into the gum behind the upper front teeth. That causes uneven wear and discomfort.
  5. Jaw joint trouble: Poor natural teeth alignment causes a lot of damage and pain around the jaw joints.
  6. Speech: Most people with speaking difficulties don’t realize it because of their misaligned teeth.

While the power and importance of a perfect smile cannot be underestimated, there are other important reasons to ask your dentist about orthodontic treatment.

Who needs orthodontics?

If your teeth clench or grind, jaw click, or you have trouble with chewing, biting, or speech, chances are you are a candidate for orthodontic treatment West Hollywood CA. Most people need an orthodontist at some stage in their lives. The orthodontist needs to treat problems not addressed in childhood or those that develop in adulthood.

Orthodontics can address different teeth and bite conditions. It’s easier to handle dental problems in childhood, but no one is too old for orthodontic treatment. The treatable conditions include.

  • Crowding: When you have too many teeth without sufficient space on your jaw, other teeth will be pushed forwards, backwards or sideways. Crowded teeth are unsightly, hard to clean, and prone to decay.
  • Protruded teeth: Happens when top front teeth grow forwards or downwards. They get damaged and can cause the front teeth to become far up and damage top teeth.
  • Under bite: Under bite is the result of front teeth sticking way beyond the top teeth. That is unattractive and quickly wears the front teeth unevenly.
  • Deep bite: When top teeth cover lower teeth. It causes the front teeth to wear too much and damages your gums.
  • Open bite: When some teeth don’t meet when jaws stay closed. It makes eating tricky, causes speech difficulties, and wears on the teeth that don’t fit.
  • Cross bite: When upper jaw is narrower, the lower jaw swings to one side, resulting in a cross bite. That causes some problems.

Where to get treatment

Most people are pleasantly surprised they can get the straight teeth they have been dreaming about in just about six months. That will depend on the complexity of the teeth that need to be straightened.

Wearing braces for teeth straightening Los Angeles CA these days can fit into your life. No one will even guess you are wearing them. Get in touch with West Hollywood Holistic Cosmetic Dental Care for a permanent solution.

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