West Hollywood Dentist

One of the Most Trusted Holistic Dentists in Los Angeles, CA

7865 Santa Monica Blvd West Hollywood, CA 90046
(323) 654-2840

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What Are Implant Supported Dentures?

implant supported dentures

What Are Implant Supported Dentures?

An implant-supported prosthesis is a type of denture that is retained and supported by four or more dental implants. The dentist embeds dental implants in the bone, and this is where the dentures rest. This is a different concept from the common dentures that rest on the gums.
While conventional dentures rest on your gums and that may be unpleasant, implant-supported dentures are firmly embedded in the bone and are far more sturdy. The latter draws strength and stability from the bone, which in turn stimulates the bone, reducing chances of shrinkage and wear.
With implant-supported dentures, the jawbone does not change and remains protected. This increases your face’s aesthetic value, enhancing a youthful look.

Depending on the patient’s jawbone and bone density, there are two types of implants that your dentist can prescribe:
A bar-retained implant-where a thin metal bar attaches to two or five implants in the jawbone. The denture is fixed to this bar using a clip or a similar type of attachment.
A ball retained implant-ball retained implants are also called stud-attachment dentures. They contain sockets that fit onto ball-retained connectors on the implants.

See Also: Cost of Dental Implants in Los Angeles

Benefits of implant supported dentures

  • They are sturdy and do not require the use of adhesives. Unlike conventional dentures that might slide and move, these dentures are just firm and convenient.
  • They mimic a natural set of teeth. Implant-supported dentures seem like your natural teeth because they are firmly embedded in the gum.
  • Cleaning is easy and fast. While conventional dentures are quite sensitive and tedious to keep clean and odor-free, implant-supported dentures wearers can brush and floss normally.
  • They are removable when you need to give them a thorough cleaning.
  • Unlike conventional dentures that are prone to odor. Implant-supported dentures are odor free because of the ease in maintaining oral hygiene.
  • These dentures preserve gum tissue and bone, maintaining your aesthetic value and confidence.

How are Implant-Supported Implants Placed?

It is essential to understand the process of placing these dentures after a consultation with your dentist. Since it is a permanent process, let’s have a look at what it entails.

The Initial Consultation

This is where you will see your prosthodontist experienced in implant placement. These services are available at West Hollywood Dentist.
The dentist will conduct impressions and x-rays to create a model. Some dentists may order a CT scan to locate your sinus cavities. He will determine how much bone is available and make you a temporary denture.
The temporary denture has a dual function, both to determine the best position for the teeth in the final denture and to help place the implant. It is also possible to use it as a back-up if something happens to your final implant-supported denture.

The First Surgery

This is when the dentist places implants into your jawbone. First, he will conduct an X-ray to ensure the implant has fused with the bone.
After that, he anesthetizes the patient. He makes a small incision, drills a hole in the exposed bone, and places the incision.
Your dentist repeats this procedure for each implant, carefully stitching all the incisions.
You will then be required to give your titanium time in the new implants to fuse into your jawbone. This could take anywhere between three and six months.

You are advised to avoid any kind of pressure on the implants as you heal.

The Second Surgery

This is when the tops of your implants are exposed. A healing cap or collar will then be placed on each implant to fasten the healing process. The collars are then worn for ten to fourteen days until they heal and replaced with regular abutments.
Your dentist then makes another impression to help create your denture framework as well as your artificial teeth.


Your dentist will then place a metal bar on the abutments, and you get to try out your denture framework.
The denture teeth are temporarily placed on the framework wax before the entire is denture comes to life.
When everything fits, your new teeth are permanently secured in place. A bar attachment is added to keep the frame fastened to your implants.
Your dentist then shows you how to care for your new implant-supported dentures and gives you your next appointment for a check-up.
While they may seem pricy, they are your best long-term solution to dental problems. Implant-supported dentures offer a long term solution to teeth problems and are quite easy to maintain.

Merits of Implant Supported Dentures

  • They are sturdy and firm, unlike conventional dentures that may sometimes slip and fall. Since they are incised in the jawbone, they also help stimulate and protect it.
  • Implant supported dentures will allow you to chew on even hard food without any discomfort.
  • They are more natural-looking and more comfortable than conventional dentures.
  • The abutments don’t decay, and therefore do not require endodontic treatment.
  • Implant supported dentures improve the wearer’s beautiful view of the mouth. Most wearers exude more confidence, especially in their social lives.
  • By keeping the other teeth from moving out of their normal position, these dentures preserve the overall structure of the mouth.
  • Implant supported dentures are easy to keep clean and maintain, and serve the wearers for a really long time.

Demerits of Implant Supported Dentures

  • They require a mini surgery, which may unsettle many people. Although it is relatively complication-free, it still requires localized anesthesia and healing period.
  • Getting implant-supported dentures is costly, and some insurance companies may not have them covered.
  • For patients presenting with severe gum decay, dental bone grafting may be an added requirement. This is for holding the implants on which the dentures are placed. This may mean an added cost and a longer healing time.
  • Implant supported dentures can eventually wear out or become loose, thus requiring repair or retightening.
  • A bar-retained denture may cause the teeth to be loose from the base. This will happen if there is less space available on the denture framework.
  • The clip or other attachments will still need to be replaced every six to twelve months.

When cleaning your implant-supported dentures, use a soft bristle toothbrush and a non-abrasive cleanser. Gently brush all around the surface of the dentures, avoiding to scratch them.

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