Your teeth can be some of your most prized physical possessions and for good reasons. Good teeth generally signifies a good standing of health. On the other hand, these square-shaped objects can enhance your overall beauty. Unfortunately, the majority of people don’t necessarily possess healthy looking teeth. A lack of brushing, poor diet, a lack of flossing and smoking can cause tooth loss. Dental implants in Los Angeles has vast solutions for those who have missing teeth. There are quite a few options to choose from to fill the gaps, no pun intended. This includes bridges and partial dentures. One of the absolute best solutions is known as dental implants. You’ve come to the right place for information because we are your dental implants specialist in West Hollywood. Let’s dive a bit deeper below.
“So, What Exactly Is A Dental Implant?”
When it comes to tooth replacement, dental implants are worth their weight in gold, and they are the standard by which all other tooth-replacement procedures are measured. Dental implants act as natural teeth and are the best possible solution for enhancing your smile if you’re missing a few teeth. The process involves a titanium rod that’s implemented into your jawbone. The healing process will begin to take place, and this is where the titanium rod will fuse with the bone to create a rock-solid stability. After fusion takes place, your dentist will cap it off by placing a crown on top of the implant. There you have it!
“What Can I Expect From A Dental Implant?”
First and foremost, you can carry on with your daily living by eating and drinking your favorite foods without any lingering pain. Dental implants are as close to natural teeth as it gets for providing a solid, stable and good-looking dental effect. Other benefits of services includes:
- Comfortability & functionality
- None of the adjacent tooth structure will be removed
- Less maintenance involved unlike dental bridges
- Overall better aesthetics
West Hollywood Holistic & Cosmetic Dental Care is your one-stop shop for all things dental-related, and we are you dental implants specialist in West Hollywood. This dental institute has up to 25 years of experiencein the game. In addition to that, we offer a wide array of dental procedures as well as utilize some of the most advanced technologies.
Dental implants in West Hollywood is no longer trivial so head over to our office for a complimentary dental consultation.