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How Much Does Dental Bone Grafting Cost?

How Much Does Dental Bone Grafting Cost?

Dental bone grafting cost varies depending on a few factors. It depends on the severity of your jawbone condition and the experience of your doctor. For a single implant area, you should expect to pay anything between $ 300 and $ 800. The complexity of your bone grafting procedure and the material used will also affect the cost. If you are using your bones, you will need to be hospitalized and attended to by many healthcare professionals. If that is the case, your bill will be anything from $ 2500 to $ 3500.


You should know that most insurance covers don’t cater to dental bone grafts. If you are grafting for cosmetic purposes, you should find a way to settle the bill. The medical insurer may only cover part of the cost when the doctor deems the procedure a medical necessity. Every dental insurance plan is different; ensure you check with your provider before the process. With that said, read on to find out all you need to know about dental bone grafts.


What Is Dental Bone Grafting?


It is the medical procedure of transplanting bone into the jawbone. It creates a strong base for implants. Grafting materials can be taken from other parts of the body, or they can be synthetic substances. The dentist or doctor attending to you will make an incision in your jaw and attach the bone material. The procedure is mainly done on patients with gum disease or people who have lost adult teeth.


It’s better to use your bone material from the tibia, hip, or other parts of the body. Autografts are the gold standard. You will heal much faster when you use material from your body. But if that is not possible, other grafts do the job as well. Get an oral heal consultation or a dental exam to determine if dental bone grafts are what you need.


Types of Dental Bone Grafts


These are four sources of materials used as dental grafts. Each one has its risks and advantages. You will work together with your dentist to decide which source is best for your unique situation.


Autografts Bone


Autograft is when your bone is extracted from different body parts to accomplish the grafting process. This is considered the safest and most effective choice because it comes from the patient’s body. However, it will be an expensive procedure because it needs two surgeries.


Allografts Bone


Allografts come from human cadaver bone. The material is from a different person, so it’s frozen, dried, and preserved to ensure effectiveness and safety. It’s less expensive than the autograft option, but it’s still effective. If you can’t use your material, this may be the first suggestion from your dentist.


Xenografts Bone


This is another common type of bone material sourced from cows. They integrate perfectly with human bones. You should expect few complications or even none, especially when the procedure is done by an experienced dental professional.


Alloplastic Grafts


This source is not from animals or humans; it’s derived from synthetic material or minerals. Most dentists prefer alloplastic grafts because they don’t need to be harvested from any animal or human. The material will integrate well with your bone, so you don’t need to worry about effectiveness.


Dental Bone Graft Procedure


There is not much preparation before the procedure. But you should avoid eating anything for at least eight hours before the procedure. Consult your doctor if there are any medications that you take, especially blood thinners. You may need an X-ray to determine the condition of your jawbone. But that is done before the day of the procedure. You will also need to figure out which type of graft you will use.


For the actual procedure, you will receive anesthesia, and the doctor will monitor your vital through the whole process. After cleaning the affected area, the doctor will make an incision and prepare for the graft placement. The bone graft will be secured with special screws or dissolvable adhesive. You will be sewn to start the healing. Don’t forget to make arrangements for how you will be getting home because groggy after the grafting procedure.


Is Dental Bone Grafting Worth It?


Many people often wonder if it’s worth the trouble because of the cost, time, and resources involved in the grafting process. Ultimately, this decision you will have to make on your own. But the procedure has had a high success rate and has helped many patients with dental problems. Compared to dentures, the grafts are easy to maintain. Grafting will also improve the usefulness of crowns, implants, and even dentures.


The procedure will not affect your speaking voice; it’s a durable solution that gives you permanent results. Once you fully recover, you will enjoy the benefits for such a long time. You will enjoy all the types of food you like, and it feels natural. Dental bone grafting is also done for cosmetic reasons. You can get your beautiful full smile back after the procedure. The grafts will reduce any future issues that may arise because of insufficient bone density. There won’t be any additional bone loss.


Recovery and Aftercare


You will leave the dentist’s office with instructions on how to change the dressing for the next twenty-four hours. You may also get an antibiotics prescription to prevent any infections. There are times when you will get pain relievers as well. During your initial recovery period, try to avoid hot liquids like soup and coffee. You should also limit crunch and hard foods. Stay away from physical activities like contact sports. Such activities will put your incision at risk and can slow down the recovery process.


Use ice packs to manage the swelling and pain for the first two days. If you eat soft, bland foods for a few days, you will be okay. When sleeping, elevate your head slightly for the first couple of nights. After one week, the pain and the mild discomfort or dull pain in your jaw should start to subside. But it will take some months before your jaw is fully healed and strong enough to receive implants. Visit your dentist periodically through your recovery period to check the healing progress.


Side Effects


Swelling and pain are the main side effects of dental bone grafting. But with over-the-counter pain relievers, you can easily manage them. You can also use ice packs for some days after the procedure. Infection is usually a major concern with any medical procedure. That is why you need to take the prescribed medication and take oral hygiene very seriously.


You may experience some difficulty with speaking and chewing or minor bleeding. These are mild symptoms that can be managed. But if they advance, seek help from your dentist. The more severe side effects include rejection of the bone graft. But this is usually very rare because all the grafts are effective and safe. If you experience increased swelling and redness around your gums, go and see a doctor.




How Painful Is The Dental Bone Grafting Procedure?


It will be a minor procedure if you are not using bone from other parts of your body. You won’t feel any pain; you will be sedated. After the procedure, the pain is usually tolerable, and you can use pain killers to manage it. But there will be some discomfort for several weeks. The recovery will be more painful if you use bone from your body parts.


How Long Does Recovery From Dental Bone Grafting Take?


Initial recovery takes two to three days, but full recovery depends on the patient. For most people, it takes six months, provided you follow all the recovery instructions. That is when you can the jaw will be strong enough to support implants. But you can get implants as early as four months when your doctor says it’s okay.


How Safe Is Dental Bone Grafting?


It is extremely safe. The potential risks like graft rejection and infections are highly unlikely. It’s a safe procedure with many benefits, which is why most people are opting for it. Most experienced dentists have performed the procedure countless times.


What Should I Eat After A Bone Graft?


Immediately after a bone graft, eat soft foods and cold drinks. As the healing progress, you can advance to more of your favorite foods. There are no major food restrictions for a bone graft. But you should try eating from the opposite side of the affected area.


Are There Signs Of A Failed Dental Bone Graft?


If the grafting has failed, the area will mostly get infected. When you notice the symptoms are going on longer than expected, schedule a consultation with your dentist. The pain can get unbearable, and the swelling will persist as well. You may need an X-ray to determine the situation and if the grafts have failed. But failure rarely happens when everything is done correctly.


Who Is The Best Candidate For A Dental Bone Graft?


The bone graft will benefit anyone who is going to receive implants for missing teeth. The grafts will provide a strong base for the implants. If you have gum disease, consider getting bone grafts. Gum disease can lead to severe medical conditions, including further tooth loss. That is why you need to treat it as soon as possible. People whose appearance is affected by bone loss can also benefit from dental bone grafting.




There are a lot of medical decisions that make up the dental bone grafting procedure and recovery. But when you are in the right hands, it will be over before you know it. The cost varies from one doctor to the next. You should contact Holistic and cosmetic dental care for a consultation. It’s the best way to find out how much the procedure will cost and if there are any discounts. Dr. Vafa is experienced enough to answer any other dental questions you may have. A consultation will help you decide what to do next if you are suffering from dental complications.

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