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Can TMJ Cause Headaches

TMJ Pain

Can TMJ Cause Headaches

What is TMJ?

TMG is a painful condition that causes lots of headache and jaw pain. This is a condition that’s known to produce mild or severe pain within the upper or lower portions of your head. TMJ is specifically identified because of its tendency to cause lots of pain.

Mistaking TMJ for a Headache

Lots of people mistake TMJ for a headache. Professionals have even gone as far as calling it a tmj headache. The difference between having TMJ and a headache is simply whether it’s coming from your jawline or another place of pain.

A tmj headache is mainly created from headache and jaw pain.
This is why your orthodontist is more likely to treat TMJ symptoms.

What are the Causes of TMJ?

TMJ is commonly known to develop after multiple problems are detected. Here is a list of different problems that are known to cause TMJ.

Painful Muscle Knots

Myofascial conditions are also called muscle knots. These painful conditions are mainly triggered by muscles tightening up around the jawline. These muscles are comprised of stiff bands that surround the sensor or trigger point.

Overusing Injured Muscles

Injured muscles need time to heal and repair themselves. Many people find that it’s complicated to avoid using muscles within their jawline. People are usually performing tasks that require them to overuse muscles that need to be relaxed. This causes the muscle to become damaged over time to start showing symptoms of TMJ or a tmj headache.

Irregular Teeth Movements

Your teeth are constantly being used to talk and eat. They are supposed to work as the tools within your body that mechanically break down anything that leaves or goes into your body. Irregular movements can cause soreness and tenderness within your muscles.
Irregular movements combined with eating and talking often makes the TMJ worse.

Your Muscles Are Malfunctioning

Muscle malfunctioning is formally known as muscular atrophy. Muscular atrophy is the result of muscles wasting away because they haven’t been utilized for the proper amount of time. This causes muscles to shrink or malfunction so that bones aren’t aligned correctly. It also interferes with muscles that are adjacent to the functioning site.

Damage from Jaw Injury

Jaw injuries are traumatic experiences that directly affect the way that you feel throughout your day. Jaw injuries are proven to leave your jaw broken or malfunctioning in a way that directly attacks the way that you talk and choose to interact with the world around you.

Dis Alignment in the Jaw

A misaligned jaw causes lots of pain throughout your mouth and other regions of your face or neck. Unfortunately, a misaligned jaw is connected to other parts of your face to encourage healthy movements.

Misalignment also triggers inflammation in different muscle groups and bone positionings that cause them to overwork. It’s common for a tmj headache to develop if proper precautions aren’t being taken because the situation could worsen.

Signs that You Are Experiencing TMJ

Lots of people may be confused because of where the pain is coming from. Lots of patients look for different signs that show a tmj headache is not actually a common headache. We have specific symptoms to help you to understand if you are suffering from TMJ or not.

Pain When Swallowing Food or Drink

Your jawline is also partially activated while swallowing. Overworked muscles cause inflammation. This condition causes other parts of your mouth to malfunction. You may feel pressure coming from the jawline that hinders you from taking in as much food as you should.

Locked Jaw That Restricts Movement

Patients with lockjaw suffer because their jaw is completely shut. This makes it hard for them to talk or eat. Lockjaw has been explained to feel like one big cramp or an entire episode of muscle spasms.
These spasms are either controllable or involuntary. They are also intense enough to completely hinder movement in the jaw muscle.

Having Difficulties While Chewing

Some people feel difficulty after chewing if their temporomandibular joint or jaw muscle is damaged.

Feeling or hearing Clicking Feelings in Your Jaw

Some people with TMJ have noticed a clicking noise in their jaw every time it is open or closed. This is a negative effect that is caused by a tmj headache because of skeletal misalignments or dental situations that cause joints to rub together.

This sound might be an indication that the muscles inside of your jawline are rubbing together to create wear and tear. Wear and tear over time reduces your jawline’s ability to function properly.

How to Treat Or Cure TMJ

There are many ways to find tmj headache relief. You must first understand why The TMJ exists in the first place. Take time to pay attention to your body. Pay attention to where the pain is inside of your mouth. These are symptoms that indicate where the treatment needs to start so that your methods are productive enough to create great results.

Massages That Stimulate Healthy Feelings

The masseter muscles inside your jaw are usually targeted during jaw massages. You might also want to feel around to analyze each sore muscle’s location. Pay attention to the locations that hurt the most. Please, focus your attention to these areas so that you can create a massage regimen that gradually decreases the pain for a better overall result.

Finding Ways to Reduce Stress

Stress has the ability to work against your specific needs and goals to create a throbbing headache. It is a direct communicator for how much stress you have fought against over time. This is why you should monitor your TMJ symptoms so that your stress levels are more controllable and it’s easier for you to find tmj headache relief.

Monitor your personality and the way that your body reacts to reduce the pain from a throbbing headache or tmj migraine.

Invisalign Treatments

Your teeth might need to be realigned or adjusted in a particular way that reduces pain in your jaw. A surgeon could also create a barrier between your teeth rubbing against each other.

Get Customized Treatments From Your Dentist or Orthodontist

Your orthodontist or dentist is also capable of developing a personalized treatment option that helps you to focus on the areas that need the most attention. Everyone has a different mouth or head. You might need to get a closer look into your situation.
X-Rays and other great sources help to identify which bones and body parts are malfunctioning to create a tmj migraine.

Avoid Eating Hard Foods

Hard foods add pressure and uncomfortable feelings that only make things worse during a tmj headache. Your gums, jaws, and throat might hurt because you need a rest from chewing. You could use a blender or eat soft foods that don’t require for you to move your jaw as much.

This TMj treatment is effective at giving your teeth and gums time to heal. Patients have also worked to reduce mouth movements to enhance muscle repair and muscle regeneration.

Utilize Splints That Promotes More Comfort

Splints are great sources for giving your jawline a break. West Hollywood TMJ Dentist utilizes the power of a splint to restrict your muscles from feeling overused. Patients have also used splints to train your muscles so that they can get used to being restricted for healthier movements over time.

Overcoming Headaches

Headaches are described as painful sensations that you can feel in your head. Headaches are usually located within the inside of your head. They occur at the front, on the sides of the temples, or in the back of your head.

Pain medications serve as temporary fixes to headaches. They also occur if your headache was induced by inflammation. Pain medications shouldn’t be abused or taken irresponsibly if the problem persists after a few doses.

Headaches are also commonly known to be the result of some other internal problem if it isn’t triggered by a toothache or jawline problem. Please, contact West Hollywood TMJ Dentist for the best TMj treatment to find out more about ending your TMJ problems.

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