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7865 Santa Monica Blvd West Hollywood, CA 90046
(323) 654-2840

With A quarter century experience in dentistry, West Hollywood Holistic and Cosmetic Dentistry offers most dental treatments in one office. Call us today to schedule your free dental consultation.

Five Grave Risks of Wisdom Teeth Removal

wisdom teeth removal beverly hills

Five Grave Risks of Wisdom Teeth Removal

In much of America, having wisdom teeth removed is almost considered a right of passage. A large percentage of young adults have their wisdom teeth removed because it’s often considered a safe procedure with a relatively fast healing time. However, if you’re looking for a West Hollywood dentist to remove your wisdom teeth, you should have all the facts. Here are five serious risks of having wisdom teeth removed.

1. Local Cavitation

One of the biggest risks of having your wisdom teeth removed is local cavitation. While it may not be immediately life-threatening, it’s an issue that must be addressed since it can evolve quickly. A cavitation is simply an infection in the jaw bone after the tooth has been extracted. It can occur for a variety of reasons. If the infection is minimal, the body’s natural immune system is sometimes able to fight off the infection. If not, however, it is a much more serious situation, leading us to the next risk of wisdom teeth removal.

2. Chronic Infection

Because pain shortly after having wisdom teeth removed is common, many people can’t differentiate between pain from the procedure and pain caused by infection. If a local cavitation is not addressed, it can cause body-wide issues, such as chronic inflammation. It has even been linked to cancer in long-term cases. While it can be difficult to prevent a cavitation from happening, the prevention of chronic infection can be easily done with antibiotics.

3. Dry Socket

Dry socket is a painful condition that’s caused by a blood clot either never forming after the procedure or getting dislodged somehow after it has formed. This often leads to an infection and is known as one of the most painful dental ailments. This can usually be avoided by not smoking for a certain period of time after getting wisdom teeth removed.

4. Nerve Injury

While infections are probably the most common risks associated with wisdom tooth removal, another possibility is nerve injury. This is when a nerve is unintentionally hit or ruptured. It can result in a variety of symptoms, ranging all the way from complete numbness to severe pain. Nerve injuries can usually be mitigated, and they’re usually temporary and will naturally dissipate. However, there are rare cases where they become permanent.

5. Bleeding

Bleeding may seem like a small risk, but depending on personality and the amount of blood lost, it may become more of an issue. Some bleeding during and after the procedure is normal. However, some people may have thinner blood due to medications or other factors. Additionally, some people may be scared at the sight of blood, causing significant psychological distress. Either way, bleeding is an unpleasant risk of wisdom teeth removal that is almost guaranteed to happen.

If you would like a dental consultation in West Hollywood, please contact our office, Holistic Smile Care, today! We can walk you through the whole process to ensure that these risks are mitigated and you get the best dental care possible!

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