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Is Gingivitis Contagious?


Is Gingivitis Contagious?

Studies show that gingivitis affects approximately 80% of the U.S. population. Besides, research done recently indicates that around 50% of American adults have a form of gingivitis. Well, this type of periodontal disease is characterized by gum inflammation. And its common symptoms include red, tender, swollen, and bleeding gums. A West Hollywood dentist has the experience needed to treat gingivitis. But before we get down to how we exactly do it, we have to ask ourselves this question; is gingivitis contagious?

Well, keep reading to know the answer.

Is Gingivitis Contagious?

The question “is gingivitis contagious?” is a common one. And the answer to this question is one you may not want to hear. It is a resounding yes. Gingivitis is indeed a contagious disease. That is because this gum disease is caused by plaque. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria, which constantly forms on teeth.

As seen with other forms of bacteria, plaque can quite easily pass from one person to another. This means you can get gingivitis if you come in contact with someone who has it. Gingivitis contagious also occurs when you come in contact with someone with poor oral hygiene or plaque. Moreover, gingivitis affects both adults and children.

Ways Through Which Gingivitis Spread from Person to Person

In this topic of “is gingivitis contagious?”, we have discussed a number of ways through which you can get gingivitis from another person. They include kissing, sharing, and more.

Is Gingivitis Contagious Through Kissing?

Saliva plays a crucial role in combating some of the bacteria we commonly encounter in our mouths. That being said, gingivitis contagious is unlikely to happen through kissing. But unlikely does not mean impossible, especially if you have poor oral health. Needless to say, someone with poor oral hygiene is more susceptible to bacterial exchange during kissing than someone who practices good oral hygiene. This means your chances of getting gingivitis if you have poor oral health are high.

Gingivitis contagious through kissing is also high among babies. That is because the immune systems of babies are still very much in their infantry. Therefore, as a parent, when you kiss your baby on the lips and happen to have gingivitis, you can spread the bacteria to them. In fact, according to studies, gingivitis transmission from parent to child is relatively common. A study carried out in 2008, for instance, suggests that children are more likely to suffer from gum disease if their parents do. And that is because of shared bacteria.

It goes without saying that, to help curb gingivitis contagious, then you should avoid kissing others if you have it. At least, until the condition is fully treated. This ensures the bacteria do not spread to anyone who may be susceptible to it.

Is Gingivitis Contagious Through Shared Drinks?

Sharing a drink and kissing are not precisely the same. Where they become similar is that both of these activities involve the exchange of saliva. If you have gingivitis and use a cup or straw to enjoy a drink, the bacteria in your saliva can spread to the outside of these items. If someone uses the same items as you, those bacteria may find their way into their mouth.

Now, let’s put this straight; chances of gingivitis contagious through shared drinks are almost down to zero. But if your oral health and immune system are not good enough, you may get the disease. As mentioned earlier, people whose dental health is poor are more likely to end up with gingivitis-causing bacteria in their mouths. That is why it is advisable that you visit the West Hollywood dentist regularly.

You should also note that if you have gingivitis, then you should stop sharing drinks from the same cup until you have a dentist treat it.

Is Gingivitis Contagious Through Other Ways Besides Kissing and Shared Drinks?

It is not just kissing and shared drinks that make gingivitis contagious. You can also get the disease when you share eating utensils, toothbrushes, or anything else that has been in the mouth of a person with gingivitis. You are probably wondering why on earth would someone use another person’s toothbrush. Well, the answer is quite simple. You see, it is really hard to use someone else’s toothbrush on purpose.

But if you store your toothbrush next to someone else’s, then you can easily grab the wrong one and use it to clean your teeth. Moreover, storing your toothbrush next to another used one can lead to the bristles of these toothbrushes touching each other. Bacteria can then spread from one toothbrush to another.

What we learn from all of these is that the best way to curb gingivitis contagious is to avoid saliva-to-saliva contact. This means if you have the disease, you should stop kissing, sharing utensils, drinks, or anything else that may lead to the exchange of saliva.

Tips for Preventing Gingivitis

Now that we have answered the question “is gingivitis contagious?”, next is to provide you with tips for preventing it. You must note that if you want to keep your mouth healthy for a long time, perhaps, a lifetime, you have to prevent not just gingivitis but also other periodontal diseases. With that said, the following ways will help you keep the gum disease at bay:

Regularly Visiting the Dentist

Visiting the dentist every six months is suitable for both adults and kids alike. Dental cleanings are among the services you are likely to receive during a dental care visit. They are important since they help prevent the buildup of plaque. By so doing, they greatly reduce your chances of getting gingivitis. Additionally, a dentist can carry out an exam to diagnose and then treat any issues, which could result in periodontitis or gingivitis.

Practicing Good Oral Hygiene

Good oral hygiene helps keep your gums and teeth in tip-top condition. They include:

  • Getting professional dental cleanings on a regular basis
  • Brushing your teeth at least two times every day
  • Flossing your teeth at least once every day

When it comes to brushing your teeth, make sure you use good fluoride toothpaste. That is because certain types of fluoride toothpaste are not effective when it comes to keeping teeth clean. A good fluoride toothpaste works nicely and ensures there is no buildup of plaque. Ideally, be keen to combine it with flossing. Flossing helps remove food particles and debris stuck between your teeth.

Making Sure Your Health is in Check

An article on healthline.com suggests that there is a connection between a healthy mouth and a healthy body. The article goes further to explain that such lifestyle habits as chewing tobacco and smoking can damage the mouth’s sensitive tissues, thereby, causing poor oral health. Besides, research points out that smoking significantly increases the risk of periodontitis, inflammation, and gingivitis.

What’s more, you should focus on eating a balanced diet since this supports good oral health as well. You should eat foods that directly affect your oral health. These include foods rich in fiber such as vegetables and fruits. These foods help keep gums clean. Your diet should also include dairy and any foods that promote the production of saliva. These foods prevent plaque buildup in the mouth.

Contact Us for a Consultation

Gingivitis contagion is due to several factors such as kissing and sharing drinks, toothbrushes, and eating utensils. This gum disease can cause all sorts of discomfort once the bacteria spread to your mouth. That is why you need the services of a West Hollywood dentist. In addition to providing professional dental cleanings, the dentist uses advanced equipment to treat gingivitis. Give us a call today to schedule a consultation.

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