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The Connection Between Stress and TMJ Disorder: Understanding the Link

TMJ treatment options

The Connection Between Stress and TMJ Disorder: Understanding the Link

TMJ disorder, or temporomandibular joint disorder, is a condition that affects the jaw joint and muscles that control jaw movement. It can cause pain, clicking or popping sounds when opening or closing the mouth, difficulty chewing, and headaches. While there are many causes of TMJ disorder, one of the most significant factors is stress. In this article, we’ll explore the link between stress and TMJ disorder and how Dr. Bruce Vafa, a TMJ specialist in Los Angeles, can help.

How Stress Contributes to TMJ Disorder

Stress can contribute to TMJ disorder in several ways. First, stress can cause muscle tension in the jaw and neck, leading to pain and discomfort. Second, stress can cause clenching or grinding of the teeth, which can place pressure on the jaw joint and exacerbate TMJ disorder symptoms. Finally, stress can lead to poor posture and a misaligned bite, which can contribute to TMJ disorder.

Managing Stress to Reduce TMJ Disorder Symptoms

Managing stress is an essential part of TMJ disorder treatment. Here are some strategies that can help:

  1. Practice relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga.
  2. Engage in regular exercise to release tension and reduce stress.
  3. Use hot or cold packs to reduce muscle tension in the jaw and neck.
  4. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco, which can increase stress and worsen TMJ disorder symptoms.
  5. Seek professional help from a therapist or counselor to learn stress management techniques.

How Dr. Bruce Vafa Can Help with TMJ Disorder

As a TMJ specialist in Los Angeles, Dr. Bruce Vafa can provide personalized treatment for TMJ disorder that is tailored to your unique needs. He offers a range of treatments, including oral appliances, physical therapy, and Botox injections, to relieve pain and improve jaw function. Additionally, Dr. Vafa can provide guidance on stress management techniques to reduce TMJ disorder symptoms and improve overall well-being.


Stress is a significant contributor to TMJ disorder, but there are many ways to manage stress and reduce TMJ disorder symptoms. By practicing relaxation techniques, engaging in regular exercise, and seeking professional help when necessary, you can reduce stress and improve your overall health and well-being. If you’re experiencing TMJ disorder symptoms, contact Dr. Bruce Vafa, a TMJ specialist in Los Angeles, to learn more about how he can help you manage your TMJ disorder and improve your quality of life.

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