West Hollywood Dentist

One of the Most Trusted Holistic Dentists in Los Angeles, CA

7865 Santa Monica Blvd West Hollywood, CA 90046
(323) 654-2840

With A quarter century experience in dentistry, West Hollywood Holistic and Cosmetic Dentistry offers most dental treatments in one office. Call us today to schedule your free dental consultation.

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Most Trusted Dentist in West Hollywood, CA

Children Dentistry

valentine holistic dentist

Introduction to Holistic Dental Care This Valentine’s Day

As Valentine’s Day approaches, the quest for the perfect smile becomes more pressing, especially in the health-conscious communities of Los Angeles and West Hollywood. At Holistic Smile Care, we understand that your smile is a reflection of your inner health and wellness. This year, we’re excited to offer a unique approach to dental beauty that

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What is Lip Tie, symptoms and treatment

Lip tie is a condition where the labial frenulum, a piece of tissue attaching the upper lip to the gum, is very tight. The condition makes it difficult for the person to move their upper lip. A baby with a lip tie may experience breastfeeding issues like difficulty getting sufficient milk. The lactating mother may

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baby teething

Baby Teething: What You Need to Know

The first year of your baby’s life will be full of milestones. These milestones include walking, talking, and, most likely, the appearance of a first tooth. While all of these milestones are natural, teething can be worrisome for some parents. According to Bruce Vafa DDS, a West Hollywood children’s dentist, when your baby’s teeth burst

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